Dubai: +971 50 689 6495


Coaching is all about you!

Your vision, your goals, your plan, your actions and your turbo-charged learning.  It will close those gaps between where you are now and where/how you want to be.

As your coach, I’ll be working closely with you every step of the way. First, I’ll help you get really clear on the most important area of focus for the next 90-120 days.  What will make the biggest difference in your effectiveness at work or personal life?

You might instinctively know what that is. Perhaps you’ve got a difficult relationship with your manager, team or your peers and you’ve got to do something fast to turn it around. Radical action is needed.

Maybe it’s more subtle than that. You need to get your key stakeholders to notice you… but for the right reasons. You feel yourself a little less confident, a little less sure of yourself.  You need to find that elusive leadership presence, “gravitas”, to stand by your ideas and be respected for your opinion.

Or maybe you’re just tired of your own excuses, making plans and failing to follow through. You know you need to say no more often but it’s draining and you’re unable to get off the hamster wheel to demonstrate what you’re really capable of. You’re fed up of putting in your best effort, working long hours but not seeing the kind of exceptional results you know you’ve got inside you.

By the end of the first 2 coaching sessions, you’ll be crystal clear on your most important goal for the next 90 days. You’ll have broken that down into measurable success criteria and you’ll have specific actions to take immediately with clear accountability agreed. You’ll be right on target for significantly improved results. 

What Are the Benefits of Coaching?

The best leaders are confident in their ability to handle tough situations. They have a clear vision and the passion that comes from doing what matters most. They know that when the rubber hits the road, they’ve got what it takes to make quick decisions and motivate the people around them to take action.

They build strong relationships across the organisation and can draw on their network when they need it most. They are known for their straightforwardness and honesty in saying what they mean and following through on their commitments. They are not afraid to challenge the status quo when needed.

These qualities and competencies do not come naturally. They are not something the special few are born with. Like any mindset or skill, these are practiced and honed in the day-to-day challenges of work.

In your coaching sessions, we’ll take time to unpack your experiences at work and look a little more closely at what’s really going on. Through regular action and review, we’ll discover the smallest changes you can make in your own behaviours to get radically different results from others.

What to expect after 90 – 120 days?

  • Greater visibility and credibility with your key stakeholders and a stronger network across the organisation
  • Greater clarity about what you need to do to achieve exceptional results
  • Stronger self-belief in your leadership values, strengths and personal impact at work
  • Confidence you can handle any situation, no matter what’s going on around you
  • Flexibility and confidence in using different influencing styles to achieve your outcomes
  • Greater recognition for the results you get
  • A clearer direction for your career and next steps
  • More control over your work-life balance

With all this said, don’t think this is only about your work-life. The things we’ll talk about will make a difference in your personal life, too. As one of my clients said to me recently, “Learning this stuff has changed my relationship with my wife. Suddenly I’m listening to her, really hearing her, and I’m not so quick to offer her my usual solutions. She loves this new version of me!”

Is this all work and no play?

Because coaching is a tailored 1:1 relationship, we can work at your pace and focus exclusively on the things that are most important to you. Each coaching relationship is different so we’ll agree up front how we want to work together and what kind of coaching style will help you get the most out of each session. If you want less challenge and more support (or vice versa), you can set the balance.

Rest assured, this programme will help you increase your credibility and impact at work without:

  • Taking hours of your precious time – in just over 2 hours a month, you’ll gain clarity on the few actions you can take that will cause you to standout from your peers
  • Feeling like hard work – unlike attending a training programme, you won’t be required to spend hours in a classroom away from your day-job. Instead, everything we do will be focused on your actual work experiences and the small changes that’ll ensure you’re more effective during your working day.
  • Delving back into the deep dark recesses of your childhood – coaching is not therapy and you won’t be required to talk about your childhood family relationships – unless, of course, you want to! We’ll focus on your current and recent work experiences and the things you can do differently now to improve your results.

One of the best ways of learning is to keep things light-hearted and playful. As you get to know me, you just might find I’ve got a wicked sense of humour!  

Is Coaching For Everyone ?

Let’s be clear. Coaching is not for everyone. Coaching is not right for you, if you:

  • Want someone to tell you what to do without thinking for yourself
  • Are not prepared to put in the time and effort to show up to your coaching calls and do the work in between sessions
  • Don’t have a strong drive to improve some aspect of your own behaviour or working environment
  • You’re blaming your problems on everyone and anything but yourself and you’re not willing to take a share of the responsibility.
  • Even when you’re willing to put in the work and have a strong drive to improve, sometimes coaching is still not the answer. For example, when you’re lacking some specific skills such as presenting to large audiences, leading a disciplinary meeting, running a performance appraisal for the first time. In these cases, you need training in the basics first. Coaching can help you hone those skills once you know the fundamentals but it is not a substitute for management training.

What Will We Talk About During Each Coaching Session?

One of the benefits of 1:1 coaching is that everything is about YOU! You drive the agenda and the focus of each session so you get exactly what you need from each conversation. Sometimes you’ll know exactly what you need to speak about. Other times you might not be so sure. Whatever state you find yourself in will be exactly where we’ll start the coaching. And sometimes you think you know the problem but, as many clients find, the problem is not always the problem!

How Often Will We Speak?

We’ll talk on the phone 2-3 times a month. Of course, some weeks you might be travelling or on holiday and that’s why 1 week every month, you’ll have a break from the coaching calls. I’ll ask you to book a 1 hour slot in my diary for the session. We’ll spend the first 45 minutes coaching over the phone, Skype or Facetime. The final 15 minutes will be protected time in your diary to use however you want.

How Long Will The Coaching Programme Last?

The coaching programme will last a minimum of 3 months since this gives you time to see the results of the changes you’re making. Of course, if you get addicted to this kind of accelerated progress, you can extend beyond 3 months!

What Time Of Day Can I Have My Coaching Session?

I’m pretty flexible about timings so if there’s something special you want let me know. Early morning or evening calls are fine and I’ve even been known to coach at a weekend. If you don’t ask, you don’t get!

What If I Can’t Make The Session?

If you can’t make the session, I’ll ask you to rearrange it. If you consistently cancel and rearrange our sessions, I may impose a charge for less than than 48 hours notice. But before we get to that, we’ll talk about the problem first and see whether there’s a better time of the day or week for your regular coaching session.

Can I Speak To You In Between Sessions?

Yes, feel free to give me a quick call whenever you need to. If I can’t answer, leave me a voice mail or a text message and I’ll get back to you. You’re also welcome to email me updates as you want to. I love hearing how you’re getting on.

Do I Need To Do Any Work In Between Sessions?

At the end of each call we’ll agree your personal commitments or actions for the following week. These are things you’ll identify as being most important given your current situation and goal. Sometimes the commitment might be as small as observing yourself and/or others in a particular situation and making a few notes to share at our next call. Another time, it might involve having a conversation you’ve been avoiding or taking a lead at your next team meeting. At least 24 hours before each session, I’ll ask you to complete a short progress review and to give some thought about the focus for our next coaching session.

What If I HATE Coaching With You?

No worries. If you really hate it, you’re off the hook. You can stop coaching at any time and if you let me know within your first month I’ll offer you a full refund for what you’ve paid to date.

A full refund?!

I’m so confident you’ll see the benefits from coaching, I’m willing to do the first 30 days 100% at my risk. If you let me know before the end of the first month, you can have your payment back in full.

If you decide to stop coaching during your second or third month, you’ll only pay for the sessions you’ve attended up until that point.

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